Monday, 22 March 2010

Ninth and Tenth Fans!

Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.

Happy Cup Day has been around for just over a month and a half, and between school and my social life and choir and violin lessons and Wal Mart and sleeping and learning French, we have arrived at the 40th post, and we have a grand total of ten followers!

You'd be surprised by how happy I am about this. Seriously.

So I'd just like to say a massive THANK YOU for everyone who has signed up, for everyone who just reads casually, for everyone who has just arrived. I have a warm, fuzzy feeling somewhere near my belly when I think about how I'm not actually just blogging at myself. I couldn't do this without my Spoons (:

My ninth fan is a mysterious person called Tyler! I know absolutely nothing about this Tyler, but once I do, I'll let you know the details.
A warm Happy Cup Day welcome to Tyler!

My tenth fan is my wonderful, beautiful cousin Rachel! We are the two youngest lady cousins of the mighty Watkins family - may no man underestimate the Power of the Aunties (they're not to be messed with). She's one of the lovliest people you could hope to meet, and a fantastic dancer as well (not that I'm jealous...ok maybe a bit).
A warm Happy Cup Day welcome to Rachel!

2008 family wedding in the Czech republic. I'm going to get a super cool vintage photo and upload that too :P