So cheap. So instant. So flattering. So cute!
I really love this. Just adding a skinny belt over the top of your cardie instantly updates your look. This pulls the attention into your fabulous waist, whilst the thiness of the belt keeps it dainty.
How I do it: I have an adorable skinny gingham belt with a buckle-bow that I got for 2$ at Primark, but I left it in England (seriously..what is my problem?!). Luckily I have a fairly-slim belt with a pink, sparkly, Levis buckle that works nicely.
A better way of doing it:

J Crew has many skinny belts, but my favourite is this flowered sash for 35$.

This girl (photo from Tokyo Fashion) has pulled her dress in with a skinny belt. I love that her tights match her hair :P

These belts from Chadwicks are just 19.99$. I personally love the blue one (:
Choosing a belt with a centre detail draws the attention right to the centre of your waist, creating the illusion of a teeny waist.
I love my big cardies because they easily fit over my puffy sleeves, and they are so freaking comfortable :D...but I was finding they were hiding my waist.
Not any more...