Friday, 5 March 2010

Babelcute: Jumpsuits

Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.

The fashion world has been walking the love and hate line of jumpsuits for a while now. They've gone from parachute inspired, through to Catwoman-esque, changing their minds about what is or is not 'acceptable'. Since Joy Bryant (right) and Demi Lovato (I think it's her...left!) made it from the 'not' list to the 'hot' list in their overalls, the jumpsuit idea has got my attention.
Some Lolitas may be shaking their heads and searching for the exit button right now, but bear with me on this one.

For serious casual wear, I love this. Think girls with bunchies. Think playsuit. Think patches, textures, colours.

Overalls appeal to me on a practical level. Spring is a time for playing games in the park; do you really want grass stains all over your new AP JSK? (No, I didn't think so). We see certain celebrities bumming out in their tracksuits from time to time; they're quick, easy and comfortable for popping to the shops. Overalls are just as quick, easy and comfortable, and goodness me they are super cute!

How I do it: I have a denim pair that I picked up from a vintage store on Brick Lane. They were designed for someone a lot shorter than me (and I'm hardly amazonian at 5'4"); perhaps the original clinetelle was a rather wide ten year old. Due to this, the flap doesn't go up without me hunching over like Gollum. So when I do wear them, flap down, I look a bit like a gangster style, 90s reject. I'd like to personalise them too, but haven't got a good idea of where to start. Any ideas to resolve these problems are more than welcome.

A better way of doing it:

Lily Allen proves that overalls are just as throw-them-on-easy as tracksuits. And there's no velour in sight.

The bow tie is adorable, and smartens up these overalls in a muddled yet super cute way. Has an Ōji feeling to it (Tokyo Fashion).

Angelic Pretty has a set. Really...need I give you any more reasons?

Work in a cutesew, pigtails and super cute, April showers appropriate wellies and you're set.

Surely the dog needs walking again? This outfit is too cute to just be showcased once...