Thursday, 25 March 2010

Mori Girl Checklist

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

On the journey that started strictly with Classic Lolita, I've discovered so many subcultures and sidelines that I've lost count. My head is spinning; all I know is that I've fallen in love with Japanese fashions. From the deco of the Hime Gyaru, between the sugary Sweet and the victoriana Gothic Lolitas, through to the pop colours of Fairy Kei....I love it all.

Recently I've really been captured by Mori Girl and Dolly Style. I love the textures, the layers, the soft curls and the super vintage accessories. After reading Lolita Charm's Lolita Checklist, I hungrily fell upon the Mori Girl checklist and scored a respectable 65% straight off the bat!

I wasn't sure what to think of the last point...' A friend told you that you look like you belong in a forest'...I feel like this would in reality be followed by 'So get back to your cave, bear face'...