Another St Valentines day without a date? No problem! I have plenty of significant others, partners, girlfriends, boyfriends, and even a better half. I just don’t have sex with any of them.
I decided not to use the computer all day, and instead embark on a day of utter indulgence.So I took an Emily Jane day!...which included…
· Toast and cretons
· MacGyver
· Friends Like These – Danny Wallace
· Maple Syrup Soufflé
· Cosmopolitan
· Tea
· Ukulele
Many of these things were done alone, in my room, in the prettiest underwear I could find and my tiara.
I realised I hadn’t as yet started a crafts project, and I felt in a strangely creative mood after shaking my thang in the mirror to salsa music (love your bum, and may you find as much joy in watching it jiggle as I do). So I snooped around my host mum’s sewing room – a by-product of this is that I stumbled across the family’s cleaning equipment, and spent a happy ten minutes flitting around my room with a feather duster (still in my underwear, still with salsa music, still shaking my bum). Back in the sewing room I found a faux fur off-cut and decided to make a muff. It was blindingly easy, even with my utter lack of genuine sewing skills. With the fur on the inside (duuuhh) I cut up and sewed on the outside a pair of lacy fancy pants that were too big for me. For a strap I used a length of lacy ribbon I stole found in a drawer.
It probably took me just under an hour and a half to finish it completely. Considering the money I spent (none), the time it took (not long) and the effort I put in (not much), I declare the outcome garish, yet pleasing. (I just wore it to my choir practice, and everyone said how lovely it was!)
And that, is Valentines for me.
Belated ‘Bonne St Valentines’ to you all!