Monday, 15 February 2010

St Valentines

Be yourself, don't take any rubbish, and never let them take you alive.

Another St Valentines day without a date? No problem! I have plenty of significant others, partners, girlfriends, boyfriends, and even a better half. I just don’t have sex with any of them.

I decided not to use the computer all day, and instead embark on a day of utter indulgence.So I took an Emily Jane day!...which included…

· Toast and cretons
· MacGyver
· Friends Like These – Danny Wallace
· Maple Syrup Soufflé
· Cosmopolitan
· Tea
· Ukulele

Many of these things were done alone, in my room, in the prettiest underwear I could find and my tiara.

I realised I hadn’t as yet started a crafts project, and I felt in a strangely creative mood after shaking my thang in the mirror to salsa music (love your bum, and may you find as much joy in watching it jiggle as I do). So I snooped around my host mum’s sewing room – a by-product of this is that I stumbled across the family’s cleaning equipment, and spent a happy ten minutes flitting around my room with a feather duster (still in my underwear, still with salsa music, still shaking my bum). Back in the sewing room I found a faux fur off-cut and decided to make a muff. It was blindingly easy, even with my utter lack of genuine sewing skills. With the fur on the inside (duuuhh) I cut up and sewed on the outside a pair of lacy fancy pants that were too big for me. For a strap I used a length of lacy ribbon I stole found in a drawer.

It probably took me just under an hour and a half to finish it completely. Considering the money I spent (none), the time it took (not long) and the effort I put in (not much), I declare the outcome garish, yet pleasing. (I just wore it to my choir practice, and everyone said how lovely it was!)

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed my selfish, vain, narcissistic day.

And that, is Valentines for me.

Belated ‘Bonne St Valentines’ to you all!