This morning I woke up feeling less than perfect, so I went for a super comfortable outfit. Very highstreet.
My friend Jérome holds a self-defence class at lunch times every couple of weeks. I go along - even though I'm really bad. It's a lot of fun, although when I was pretending to attack Natacha she flipped me over her back without bending down, and I hit my head on the floor. The space we use is the gymnastics room, so it has a padded floor, but from then onwards I had a headache I couldn't shake.
I forgot to bring a lunch with me, as I usually eat at home, but Brenda b
My final class was Ski de Frond (Cross country skiing) in Education Physique (Physical Education...), but it got cancelled because it was to
The phone rang loudly somewhere near my head. Confused and sleepy, I looked over at the clock. 8:30. WHAAAT?! I had been in a middle of a dream in which Brenda was really angry at me, and didn't like me any more. It was one of those strangely weird ones where you're not sure if it genuinely happened or not. I still had a headache, and wasn't feeling up to going out, so I called Brenda up and left a message on her answerphone telling her not to pick me up.
'And by the way, I just had a bad dream about us, and I just wanted to say I love you.'
I'm still nursing my headache.
I'm still nursing my headache.