Today brought forth another glorious day. I ate way too much chocolate, spent a lot of time with my host family, and finished the day by devouring a fairly sizeable chunk of rabbit. The cuter the better, that's what I say.

I made the most of the fantastic weather by taking another long walk. I effectively wore this outfit, although this picture was taken a couple of weeks ago (clearly, as I am now camera-less). I also had knee highs and my coat (it may have been nice out, but it's not summer yet!). All along the path in the park, strangers were saying 'Bonjour', older men were dipping their caps, and little girls were grinning inanely at me.
Blank minded, I turned the corner at the end of the path and entered the marina. Hanging on to her father was a tiny girl, no more than four years old, and the cutest little thing you've seen in your life. She pulled on her daddy's hand, pointed at me and said 'Papa, papa....c'est une vraie poupée!' (Dad,'s a real doll!).
Best compliment I've had this year? I think it just might've been...