Thursday, 6 May 2010

New York "Coordinates"

Sometimes the more you think about an outfit, the worse it gets

Coordinates goes in inverted commas because, frankly, I didn't put thhaaat much thought into what I was wearing...practicality rules! I didn't specifically take any photos of my outfits, so some of these are a bit dodgy (:

So for the 16 hour journey I went for 'very comfortable yet bright'. I picked up the nickname of 'Miss Coloré' (Miss Colourful).
I Love NY: Times Square (2XXL, shoulders cut)
Leggings: Topshop
Jacket: Eclipse
Slippers (out of shot): Prossy

Change of clothes in a bathroom somewhere near the border...clearly my nickname stuck (:
Dress: Topshop
Cardie: Primark with Beatrix Potter buttons
Trainers: Babycham from Schuh
Head bow: Gift (:
Bag: Thrifted
Bottle carrier: India
Glasses: Specsavers

So this may not be the best photo of my outfit, but Ginger Spice just got replaced, and this was one of the highlights of my LIFE.
Dress: Stitches
Socks: Dollarama
Shoes (out of shot): Batman Converse from Office
Head band: Ardene
Union Jack Scarf (attached to bag, hiding behind Pret a Manger doggy bag): River Island

My last day coordinate was something I bought in New York, which will be featured in an upcoming post :D

For coming home (another 16 hours on a bus) I went for 'I was just in New York, incase you didn't know...and I'm tired'.

Hoodie: Steps, Pier 17, NY
Nightie: Wal Mart
PJ bottoms: Primark